100% Non-GMO Path-Tracing

Graphics Programming, DSP, Audio, Electronics and More

Path-Traced gold ring on a tile surface

Hi, I'm Dave and I'm a Systems Programmer who specializes in Graphics and Audio Processing.
I mostly write software in "simplified" C++, but I've also written programs in ANSI/ISO C,
and dabbled with x86 Assembly before.

In a previous life I wrote many unfinished tools and tidbits in Lua for Garry's Mod.
But now I've learned to utilize the immense power of JavaScript contained in the modern web browser.
I've also started using BASH for automating many repetitive tasks, and for creating simple command-line tools.

I tend to lean heavily towards computer graphics in my projects, and of those mainly 3D. Even though most of my programs have been focused around Ray-Tracing and Path-Tracing, I've also written a fully functional (albeit quite inefficient) 3D rasterizer.

I have created a large volume of DSP code, have worked quite a bit on real-time audio visualization, and have even created an HF Software-Defined Radio receiver.

Most of my software endevours are targeted to the desktop, mainly because it's what I find most interesting. But I've also worked on several embedded projects revolving around signal processing and data logging.

In addition to embedded projects that are digital, I've also created a few projects that are analog.
One of them was a highly stable VFO for an HF receiver, along with somewhat functional filters and buffers built for that receiver.

This site is primarily programming focused, but may contain technical articles from other subjects as well.
Either way you should be either fairly entertained or bored to death.
